In this third installment of the Science of Driver Training series, we will take a closer look at another facet of the Security Driver Triangle, the Vehicle. As was the case with our last installment in this series, which focused on the driver as a vital component of that model, we will be examining the vehicle in terms of the role it plays how training with the most appropriate vehicles is crucial when it comes to developing sustainable, repeatable, and applicable skill and ability.
Guidelines for Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing Executive Vehicles
These guidelines are to provide professional security drivers and other protection practitioners with best practices for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting executive vehicles in an effort to minimize the risk of exposure to contaminants for drivers and passengers.
What Drives You…
Here in the northeast, with winter comes the great debate over which drive system – All Wheel, Four Wheel, Front or Rear Wheel – is the best in the snow and ice. But it’s really a debate without a clear winner, as each of the four drive systems found on modern vehicles has its advantages and disadvantages.
I’ve Got All Season Tires So I’m Good…Right?
With today’s vehicles being far better equipped to keep their drivers and passengers safe, some folks have a tendency to pay less attention to the basics and rely on advanced technology such as traction control, anti-lock braking, collision avoidance systems, etc. to keep them safe, even in the most challenging weather conditions. But the cold, hard reality (pun intended) is that the most advanced systems on today’s vehicles don’t create or generate traction, they simply work to maximize the traction that is available. And it is the vehicle’s tires that determine how much traction is available for those systems to take advantage of.
So when it comes to winter weather, those of who can’t simply stay home and wait for better driving conditions should give serious consideration to installing winter tires on their vehicle or vehicles.
How Can You Prevent Something You Can’t See Coming?
The obvious answer is that you can’t. And whether you’re a professional driver or that guy or gal commuting to work, between the angle of the sun, all sorts of nasty weather, and the residue of various types of road treatments, just seeing through the windshield of your car can be a challenge; especially this time of year.