Recognizing that while the Solo Practitioner approach – where one protection practitioner is responsible for managing the wide range of risks their Principal may face – is not the optimum approach to doing so, it is in fact being effectively implemented far more often and successfully than many in the profession would care to admit, it’s worthwhile to take a closer look at the strategies and tactics which contribute to the effectiveness of the Solo Practitioner paradigm.
Protective Security Operations
In today’s world, the security professional is faced with the daunting task of designing, developing, and implementing measures to counter an increasingly broad, though still somewhat vague, spectrum of threats. Law enforcement and government agencies continue to release a barrage of alerts and warnings about possible terrorist operations against US and Western interests both within the US and abroad. It seems that every warning is accompanied by the usual caveats about no credible information, no specific targets, and no specific timing or methods of attack. In fact, more often than not these warnings have been disseminated to the private sector through the media long before any official notification has been forthcoming. Developing an effective protection strategy under these circumstances can be, to say the least, taxing.
Cornerstones of Effective Executive Protection
Virtually every study conducted over the last forty years regarding threats to, and attacks against, high profile individuals has shown that: Attacks against high profile individuals (corporate executives, high net worth family members, government and military officials) are inevitably preceeded by some form of surveillance. The overwhelming majority of attacks, as well as unwanted approaches, occur while […]
See Through Enemy Eyes
Counter surveillance that seeks out the attacker’s perspective is the key to good corporate executive protection. The husband-and-wife team watched Sidney Reso for almost thirty days before they attacked. Sitting in a van parked down the street from Reso’s suburban New Jersey house, the couple documented the Exxon executive’s daily routine, learning his habits and […]