Despite an ongoing technological revolution that demands a fundamental change in how practitioners train for and perform the tasks associated with this function, the approach taken by far too many in the field remains unchanged. While that may seem like a bold statement to some, the time has come to address the elephant in the room.
The Very First Question Every Newcomer Ought to be Asking
Having been involved in the EP profession in one form or another for quite some time now, it astounds me how often newcomers are asking the same questions over and over again, particularly on social media outlets. Now, there is a very real possibility – and some strong indications – that a fair amount of what’s happening in terms of the same basic questions being asked repeatedly is, in fact, actually a high tech form of “astro turfing”. That’s where someone with a vested interest in the response to a given question creates a digital “alter ego”, or uses a surrogate, to ask a particular question and then offers up a response that meets their objective.