As one of the foremost and respected protection training providers in the world, we (Tony Scotti’s Vehicle Dynamics Institute) feel we have an obligation to the community and clients we serve to ensure they have the accurate information needed to make properly informed business decisions.
With that in mind, it should be noted that, despite claims that others may make, the only entities who have completed the formal process to have their training certified by VDI are those who participate in our Global Training Affiliates program.
Currently there are only two entities that have completed the certification process and are licensed to provide VDI branded training, neither of which is located in the Continental U.S. These entities who provide VDI-certified courses under the VDI-Mexico and VDI-Africa banner are:
Servicios Cordinados de Seguridad Privada (VDI-Mexico)
Glen Edmunds Advanced Driving (VDI-Africa)
Additionally, there are only two training providers in the world whose courseware relating to security driving, secure transportation, and/or surveillance detection has been formally reviewed and endorsed by VDI. Those providers are:
Scott Kempken’s SMK Risk Mitigation
Matt Parker’s Independent Security Advisors (ISA)
Having said that, while we have not reviewed and endorsed the training provided by Joe LaSorsa and the team at LaSorsa & Associates, we greatly appreciate the fact that he is diligent in crediting and attributing VDI’s influence on various aspects of the training they provide; this is the hallmark of a principled, professional practitioner.
It may also be worth noting that while at this point there are, quite literally, thousands of graduates of VDI training courses, and tens of thousands whom have graduated one of Tony Scotti’s original programs, that does not qualify them to instruct driver training programs. At the moment, there are less than twenty four individuals in the world who have completed the initial requirements for instructor certification – and even fewer who, upon receiving initial certification, have met the continuing education and training delivery requirements for maintaining a valid certification.
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