When it comes to your roadside emergency kit are you the Risk Taker, the Cub Scout, the List Maker, the Undertaker…or have you gone all out with a Bug Out Bag? (See the accompanying Infographic for the answer)
Regardless, now is the perfect time to check your kit to make sure everything is in good working order, and up-to-date. For those in places where winter brings with it freezing temperatures and inclement weather, now is the time to make sure your kit includes the things you might need to deal with winter emergencies such as:
- Ice Scraper
- Portable Battery Booster Pack
- Folding shovel
- Tow strap (and hook)
- Water and long-lasting food
Joe, I couldn’t resist. Here’s what Vida carries in her car on a day to day:
Get Home Bag
5-11 RUSH Pack
Map of Texas, plastic covered
Disposable Lighter, waterproof matches
Chem lights (3)
Ultra-Light Flashlight w charger
First-aid kit, CLS w clotting agents, Space Blanket
1.5 liter water bag
(3) protein bars
Berkey water bottle
25’ 550 cord
Glock 22 and 3 (22 round )magazines
Serpa Padle Holster
Micro-Roni for Glock
50 rounds 40 cal
10 oz silver, $500 cash, $10 quarters, credit cards
Hand Wipes
glasses, saline, contacts
Insect Spray
Notepad and Pencils
Rotate Rounds and mags
Glock 27 and Holster
(3) mags
Gerber MultiTool
Gerber Folder
ASP Sentry Baton
Lock Pick set
Surefire Flashlight
Back-up Battery for iphone
tampons (in case of gunshot)
chap stick